Thursday, September 13, 2007

Thinking about Grace

I woke up early thinking about Hurricane Humberto. Humberto passed us by on the Central Gulf Coast but headed inland toward Houston. I hope our pal, Quotidian Grace, and all Houstonians and Texans fared well through the hurricane.

The threat of hurricanes, tropical storms and such get on our nerves this time of year. In the old days, we didn't worry about big storms by mid-September. Now we worry about storms until the end of September.

I do not live in a flood zone but have flood insurance. I didn't lose my home but have Katrina damage still because I can't find workers. It takes a long time to recover from hurricanes.

I hope all is well for our Grace and her fellow Texans.

Thinking of her,

St. Casserole


Sue said...

Amen. Praying here too...

zorra said...

Not much happened in Houston; it seemed to follow a path similar to Rita's, though it wasn't as strong as Rita. Please remember those in the Beaumont/Port Arthur region and parts of Louisiana that are inundated today.

Jody Harrington said...

Ditto what zorra said. We were spared this time, but the poor folks on the Texas/LA border were hit again, although not as hard as the last time.

I appreciate your kind thoughts, St. Cass!