Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Actual Conversation

On phone with Sears to schedule a repair.

Nice human helps me with parts information.

Conversation is ending.

Nice human says, "Is there anything else I may help you with Mrs. Casserole?"

I answer, "I'd like an end to world hunger and peace for all."

Nice human replies, "Mrs. Casserole, I'll pray for that."

May you have a day like this, too.


Thursday, July 01, 2010

Pruning is A Mercy

When I can't control what I'd like to control, when my frustration index is high and the rain (from Alex) keeps coming down, yard work saves me.

We have a big yard with large established azaleas and shrubbery. I grow flowers and herbs along with a rich variety of weeds. Keeping everything going takes more time than I have but oh!, how wonderful to have the work when my spirit droops!

I have good garden tools. My yard man cleans up the piles of pruning limbs and weeding heaps.

Today, in the rain, I cleared out the box woods in the front of the house. Leveled the playing field. Mr.C., if you are reading this, you will be shocked when you see the piles of debris and no green bushes in front of the house. Take a deep breath and enjoy knowing that I did this instead of running off to a therapist or cleaning out your closet.

Love and Glad to See You,
