Oh, Hey!
Anyone still there?
The BE 2.0 was fabulous. I loved seeing all of you and missed those who couldn't come to Arizona.
We've received five new members in the past six months at Little Church. I'm enjoying the new members enjoying the congregation.
We had ten people at Sunday School this morning. I recall when attendance was 2-3 including me.
LD and LS finish up the school year in a few weeks. Both have long papers to write before end of term.
Mr.C. and I married 28 years ago today. We married during the regular Sunday worship service. I've never heard of anyone doing this. Have you?
The hydrangeas are blooming. The cats are fat and happy. We describe Sister the Dog's breed as "A/C Lab" because she prefers being indoors with us during hot weather.
You doing OK?
Glad to be back,
(Pic is Bidden or unbidden, God is present, looks like from Wild Goose Studio.)
Congratulations on your anniversary! I wish you had been around for the wedding discussion on the first afternoon at the BE 2.0.
I've been watching my hydrangea, planted when Pure Luck and I got married 6+ years ago. It is the last tree or shrub to get buds in our yard. Today I found them!
Mazel tov! I wish I could have been at BE 2.0. Maybe next year, assuming I am employed by then (job search really stinks).
We talk a good line about marrying folks in the Sunday service in Episcoland, but I have not heard of anyone actually doing it. Good on you!
I actually have been at a couple of those kinds of weddings. Happy anniversary!
We celebrated the new membership of a lovely young family today at St Stoic. Glad to hear Little Church is growing, in both depth and breadth.
Hey, we'll be roomies again in three short weeks!
Hey! Happy Anniversary to you and Mr.St.C.!!!
How lovely to see your church growing along with your flowers. Both are blooming!
Here - rain/snow mix - someone just shoot me now. Or send me back to Arizona.
*Just a reminder* Don't forget that coffeemaker for Cheese - you know she really wants your special blend....
I have that plaque on my living room wall.
Happy Anniversary! Hope it was a lovely day.
Glad to have you back and Happy Anniversary!!!!
Missed being at BE, but have limited funds here and decided to go to Atlanta for Fes. Of Homies.
Anyhow, I have heard of marraiages in sudnay worship. A dear friend did this at my home church some years back. It was lovely and beautiful, simple, but so meaningful
Happy 28th! We are not far behind y'all. Wistfully remembering Arizona, but things are good here.
So glad Little Church is growing. Our new pastor's installation service was this afternoon. A few old familiar and long-absent faces have already returned.
Happy Anniversary!
Wish I could've been with you all at the BE 2.0.
Still here.
Happy Anniversary. No I hadn't heard of getting married in Sunday Service - make sense to me. Blad Little Church is blooming along with your hydrangeas.
Since you asked, I'm doing okay. Better than last week.
Glad, not Blad. Oops.
Congrats on the anniversary, and on the church growth.
A traditional Quaker wedding is held during regular worship
Happy Anniversary... ours was the 25th and I spent it writing a paper. We are doing dinner this weekend.
Thanks for continuing to be a welcoming presence... even via the web. Hope we meet IRL some day.
scritches to the kittehs.
happy anniversary!
lovely that it was part of worship...and I loved BE2. Have fun at the Homies!
word verification:
must mean formerly stumped. hmmmm.
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