A man describing his family, bemoaning how they turned out, said, "they coulda done anything and they went trailer park".
The Little Church kitchen is finished! We moved the kitchen from one room to another during our hurricane restoration. We have new cabinets, stove, sink and refrigerator to use! Looks great!
All is quiet on the Presbytery front as pastors disappear on vacations. We didn't renew our EP's contract in June. I'm watching how this staff hole works out.
My Summer reading is as varied as a garden. Junk, beach reads and heavy going literature all together in a stack of books. Love it!
Our home driveway is a big mess as the City repairs our Katrina damaged drainage.
So far, so good in their repairs. The worst of it is how often City crews repeat repairs like digging up a driveway portion only to repair it and dig it up again. Thanks to our Councilman, we are getting a more complete repair than the City planned.
I'm assisting a guest preacher this Sunday. I'll do the liturgy, he will preach. I cannot seem to remember this and keep going to the desk to write a sermon. I am a habitual preacher, I admit it.
The Great Heave of Clutter continues! Making progress! After the Dining Room lamp collection heave, I'm heading to the bookcases...
Glad to be here,