Now that I am older...
...I realize that is not necessary for everyone to know what I think of them.
...When you engage me in conflict, I will not tell you all I know about you because I care about you. I want to continue the relationship in the future so I will not put your back against the wall verbally.
...I realize that it is well nigh impossible for the young to realize that the world does not revolve around them, even those who are in their 30's.
...I understand that I never won when I took on the Senior Pastor. I wasn't the associate to correct the HoS or run the congregation.
...I know that most stuff isn't personal, it's just stuff. If we can't figure out how to redeem it now we can pray that our situations and relationships may be redeemed in the future.
...I look for kindness in others more than the excitement of their chaos.
St. Casserole
Can I be you when I grow up?
You speak truth in purity, St. Cassie.
You are so mag-nif-i-cent!!!!
i would like to be you when I grow up too.
I could be Cass of the South and cheese could be Cass of the North.
Ya know in the Wiz of Oz the North and South Witches were teh GOOOD ones...
Oh, wait, this good thing is so not Calvin and so not Presby!
Opps! (hanging head in shame and disgust with self)
very wise and eloquent...
Oh you wise one. You speak words that speak truth.
You have word verifications that are longer than the average bear.
While growing older is not for sissies, the wisdom gleaned is worth the trip, no?
(I'm a long-time lurker who lovers reading your blog, even though I'm a dog person.)
Blessings and thanks for your wisdom.
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