Friday, July 28, 2006


Reverendmother asks the Friday Five Questions.

I know this subject!!!

Many areas of the United States are having a heat wave. Global warming, anyone? Look on the bright side of melting glaciers and enviro-destruction by taking a crack at the Friday Five:

1. What's the high temperature today where you are?
High 90's

2. Favorite way(s) to beat the heat.
Stay inside in the air conditioning drinking cool drinks. Take a cool shower. Station myself under the ceiling fans.

3. "It's not the heat, it's the humidity." Evaluate this statement.
Dry heat just messes up your skin. Humidity makes you feel sticky. I guess I prefer the humidity but only because I'm familiar with it.

4. Discuss one or more of the following: sauna, hot tub, sweat lodge, warm-stone massage.
I have NO interest in these except on the coldest day of winter.

5. Hottest you've ever been in your life
At the Neshoba County Fair where we listened to stump speeches and visited. I thought I was going to faint and die. Dusty, hot, buggy, and full of happy Mississippians visiting.

Non-temperature related bonus: In your opinion... who's hot?
All the volunteers to come to the Hurricane Zone to help.

As always, let us know if you play--and those of you who are linking directly to your posts? You're hot. And cool.


Unknown said...

Now that's cool. I wondered how close your's and my answers would be, being we live so close to each other in this humidity.

And I like who you said are hot. They are hot aren't they for what they are doing and hot while doing it.

reverendmother said...

I'm used to the humidity too!

Cathy said...

St. C - we KNOW what hot weather is down in the deep SOUTH - our's comes with HUMIDITY!

Girl said... in FL for 5 years really made me used to the heat. The boy makes fun of me because I won't have the AC on in the car when I come to pick him up at the airport...usually because I am 'chilly'.

St. Casserole said...

Take tepid showers then ease the temperature to cool then cold.

Drink lots of cold water.

Don't plow the fields mid-day.

Find a seersucker bedcover.


aola said...

1. What's the high temperature today where you are?

2. Favorite way(s) to beat the heat.
Stay inside in the air conditioning drinking lots of water.

3. "It's not the heat, it's the humidity." Evaluate this statement.
At 110 - 112, like it has been around here.. it's definitely the heat.

4. Discuss one or more of the following: sauna, hot tub, sweat lodge, warm-stone massage.
NO Thank you!!

5. Hottest you've ever been in your life
At a Willie Nelon 4th of July picnic. I actually think I saw someone die of heat exhaustion.