Sunday, April 30, 2006

Beginning to Listen, Still Not Hearing

The Sun Herald 04/30/2006 Staying with animals in Katrina was a deadly choice for some, and the hurricane left other owners seeking


Unknown said...

Some days this world just seems too big and hard and unfriendly, doesn't it? I'm glad people are at least talking about it, but it feels like too little and too late.

hip2b said...

Wow. What a moving article...

see-through faith said...

at least they are talking :) it IS an improvement. I remember when you were there SB you walked those big dogs - what a blessing!

Theresa Coleman said...

My sister stayed in Mt. Pleasant during Hugo b/c of Mr. Whiskers and Gunterdog.

She would not budge. She survived, but she decided to evacuate the next time and listen to 12 hours of yowling. Mr. Whiskers was NOT happy -- but they all were safe and dry.

We didn't listen then... I pray we will now.