Tuesday, September 06, 2005

My church survived. All my people are alive. Many didn't evacuate. Some did and are all over the state and U.S. We've gotten an email from a congregation in Orlando who wants to come help us. I will contact them as soon as I can. The church lost several windows so the kitchen and bathroom are a mess along with trees down. God Bless us all.

You may wish to visit www.Katrina-Response.blogspot.com a blog set up for an emergency shelter in Gulfport, Mississippi. The posts tell a great deal but click into the comments to read what survivors say.
The Mississippi UMC disaster response teams are feeding hot meals along with comfort. The blog is offered to those who stop by who wish to tell their stories. I am weeping as I write this.

The LD enrolled in Middle School today. The school counselor was so very kind to spend time with us to set up her schedule along with sports and activities. He was very good with her and she feels excited to begin classes tomorrow. We will receive free school supplies and lunches for her. So very odd to be the recipients of other's kindness. It may make take more to receive than to give which explains why recipients sometimes cannot say "thank you".

Help is on the way in terms of military reponse and water. Otherwise, your television reports of the utter neglect is accurate. People in small towns in Mississippi and Louisiana are ignored. The situation in New Orleans beats anything I've ever seen or heard of but troops are there now. We met a New Orleans evacuation family at an ice cream place yesterday. This Mom and her two children have no home to return to in N.O. Nothing with them except what they could pack into their car. The husband is in Iraq. They are renting a home from a friend up here. What bravery! What determination! The ice cream place had a fund raiser for Katrina survivors because everywhere you look up here, someone trying to help. God Bless Them!

Future issues for survivors will be dealing with lost jobs, no household items, displacement their familar surroundings. Cash will be needed to secure clothing, furniture, meds etc. The need is overwhelming.

At the school this morning, a mother and son arrived from the New Orleans area. She had on a Red Cross T-shirt. I think this is the only clean clothing she owns. Her son was clutching a blankie.


Unknown said...

I've said this before, but I just wish I could give you a hug. This will have to do. ((o))

St. Casserole said...

Songbird, thanks for the virtual hug. I worshipped Sunday at a UCC church with clergy couple pastors. We had dinner at their home last night. I asked her if she knew "Songbird". I was comforted at worship and fed well at both tables.

Jules said...

I'm so glad to hear about your church. The building will fix, but the loss of members, or of the Cass family would have been devastating.

Hugs to you and yours.

Emily said...

Hugs from me, too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this.
I still can't quite imagine.
Are you staying in East Coast City with daughter indefinitely or are you heading back home?

Baby Gator said...

ST, please let me know if there is anything that me or my Mom (Princess of everything and then some) can do. Your blog made me cry, and I want to help. So please let us know if there is anything you need. Our prayers are with you. Baby Gator

Jody Harrington said...

It's such a hard time for so many, many people. It is wonderful that all your people are accounted for and the church still stands.
I think of you and your family every day as we work with the evacuees in our area.

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

You have made this more than real to us. I can only imagine the needs that I would have if in the same situtation. We are prayer for your sweet daughter. We are praying for your family. Everything that we do...the things that we donate...the time that we spend helping...the money that we send...in a small way is for you St Cass.

Theresa Coleman said...

You know if there is anything, Anything at all that you need, just ask and it's there. How long will you be staying?

Anonymous said...

It is so good to hear that you, your family, and your church family are safe. It is hard to grasp the reality that all of you are facing. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

I have a student in my class from New Orleans. She enrolled last Thursday. My kids and their families have been so welcoming and helpful to her and her family. I pray that you and your LD will feel the same warmth and caring from the people in the area in which you are staying.