Thursday, October 27, 2005

2 Months Tomorrow

* When I stood outside in the early morning light this morning, I looked at the sky and thought "how beautiful". I did not see a tree-less backyard. I saw a beautiful sky.

*The grocery stores down here get their supplies from the big city of New Orleans. Many stores seem empty, with a few items on the shelves. I went to a clothing store late this afternoon. The racks were empty. I asked a sales person why there were so few things for sale. She said, "We load the racks at night. People buy everything in the mornings and we don't have enough employees to keep the racks filled all day long." I'll be glad when things look normal again.

*A gracious Presbytery, north of here, offered to pay the difference between our insurance check and the costs of re-building the church. They want to paint the interior of our building AND provide two Sundays of supply preachers for my Fall Pilgrimage to NYC and Thanksgiving Weekend with LD home. I am doing the happy dance!
We will be able to do things at the church that we dreamed of doing.

*The LH is off to see LD. I miss him but am delighted he's gone to the Aunts Spa Respite House for a break. He'll enjoy being with his LD and seeing Assumpta and Dibley.

*I expect a house full of relief workers from the Carolinas and three Missionaries from Brazil this weekend. I like this.

*I am eating dark chocolate Hershey's kisses to celebrate the help of the Presbytery for my congregation AND to comfort my loneliness with LH away. (Note to Self: everyone sees through your rationalizations. Everyone)

St. C


annie said...

Ha! Hershey's dark Kisses! I bought one of those big Hershey's dark chocolate bars, and considered blogging about my post-Rita relief!!

Jody Harrington said...

Hooray for that presbytery! I'm so glad to hear that your church is getting this help.

I didn't know there were dark chocolate kisses--and I didn't need to know it. Must go get some. Telling self that they are for the trick-or-treaters.

aola said...

It's funny how we adjust to things and continue to find good and chocolate never hurts! my favorite are the Hersheys dark choc. nuggets with almonds... oh, my.

mibi52/ The Rev. Dr. Mary Brennan Thorpe said...

Nothing cannot be overcome with dark chocolate.

Glad the prebytery is coming to your aid. That's as it should be.

"I will look up to the presbyteru, from whence comes my aid"...or something like that.

Blessings and sunny skies.

Apostle John said...

As Pastor/Church Staff Appreciation Month comes to a close, know that you are appreciated for what you do in God's work.

Anonymous said...

loved the comment about the sky - may God help you to look upward all the time

you are often in my prayers :) Glad to hear about the two weekends off too - be blessed in what you do especially during those two weekends.

Sue said...

Hooray!! I'm so glad to hear that your church is being supported and helped by the Presbytery.

I see no need to rationalize chocolate. Go ahead and enjoy it -- you deserve it. Now pass some this way....

ToBeRev said...

Dark chocolate is GOOD for you (really! My Jazzercise instructor said so!). Glad you can calm down and re-focus a bit. Please tell me when you are in NY -- I would love to treat you to dinner or at least give you a hug!

Theresa Coleman said...

It's full of endorphin-stuff that makes you happy AND it's full of antioxidents. Really. So it also prevents cancer. So there.