I'm home from the Retreat. Three days away from home are difficult for my family. It's easier for them when I am home but they are good-natured about my wandering off to be with preachers.
The speaker, from Antiqua, a Jamaican Methodist, was a graceful teacher, attentive to the students, skilled at keeping our attention and full of surprises. He broke into a reggae song to illustrate a point in his remarks. We studied the Biblical understanding of redemption in the OT and NT.
Food was great in that Deep South way-too-much butter and salt kind of way. Homemade crawfish jambalaya, squash casserole, yeast rolls, pecan pie. Get the picture? I was well-cushioned for the three hour drive home.
This is the Chef's dog, Mac. Mac wants things to chew and the plastic thing in his mouth just didn't seem safe enough for him. He chews and retrieves sticks, cups, anything big enough to carry in his jaws. I drove to the Dollar General to buy this dog boy a frisbee but didn't find one. I gave him a red heavy duty rubber chew toy and he ran away content. A fine dog whose ministry is greeting and playing with retreatants.
I'm overwhelmed with things to do today. I've got a list and am committed to focusing on finishing tasks. What's going on with you?
did you get your package?
That's one cute canine.
We're all doing the sorting hat over at my place. So far all the Presbyterians are in Ravenclaw. It seems like a trend, but we need you to help confirm. Come over and play.
Or if you don't get into the Harry Potter nonsense, carry on.
Rain again in Coffeeville. The vittles sounds good. I'm so hungry I could eat frozen dog. Oops! sorry brown dog, you to sweet to eat. I ought to keep a pet of my own, but I think to much about it and never do. Sure am glad too. I'm still alone though, and know no one to complain to. Glad you had a good time on Retreat. Know Retreat; know surender. Good to hear from you. Be well and keep intouch.
Gryffindor here too...though I rather expected to be Hufflepuff
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